What's the true intent of a Birthday Party? I ask myself this question three times a year as I plan and prepare for each of my children's Birthdays. My answer...it's a day to make my child feel special. It's so easy today to buy into the notion that it has to look a certain way or involve certain things but at the core, the day should only involve whatever it is that makes my child feel valued. For my six year old this year here is a snapshot of how this played out: The rest of the family woke up early to make pancakes (her favorite breakfast) and we served her breakfast in bed as we processed through her room in a parade. Her brothers carried a Birthday flag and played instruments, we carried the breakfast. For her party we had 6 of her close friends over to our house for lunch and a party which included some fun games and of course, Birthday cake. We had dinner together as a family and ice cream cones outside for dessert while looking at her photo album of pictures since she was born. I was not stressed about any part of the preparations, it did not break the bank and best of all as Paige was going to sleep that night, she said this was my best Birthday ever. Music to my ears!
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