We spent the past 3 days in Chicago! I have a cousin in her 20's who lives in Wrigleyville and invited us out for a weekend and we took her rup on it! It was a great opportunity to expose our children to life in a different environment than what they are used to. We stayed in her tiny apartment with no yard. We rode the train instead of our Oddesey and we marveled at all the tall buildings and different kinds of people. I love engaging my children in diffferent enviroments. We talked about all the differences between the city and the suburbs. Their verdict was that although they loved riding the train, they preferred their grassy yard and being able to play outside. As for me, although this trip was quite different from the last time I was in Chicago with only my husband it was fun to change our typical scenery for a few days and come away with new perspectives. Best part of all, we did it for under $100. How? Picnic lunches, the train was free for kids under 7, entertainment was Millenium Park (complete with live music and a Family Festival) and people watching! Have a relative who lives a few hours away, see if they're up for a visit!
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