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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mom Feature: Meet Stacy

Meet Stacy

Hi, my name is Stacy, and I have always loved to create. When I became a mother I realized not only was it something I enjoyed but I found it was necessary to keep my sanity. A little "me" time goes a long way. I started a blog called Not JUST A Housewife to share my many projects.

I am married to my college sweetheart who is an architect. He totally gets my need for a creative outlet. I have four little boys that are 9, 7, 4, and 1 1/2. I wish I could hit PAUSE. I love their ages right now! They are all creative and love to do projects with me. They love that I have a blog. They especially love to see their projects on there.

When do you feel like you're doing your best job as a mom?
I feel so blessed that I can stay at home with my boys. Some of my favorite mom moments are those unexpected teaching moments that pop up. They usually start with a question from one of my boys. Those conversations are not scheduled out in advance. They happen organically and are some of the most special moments as a mom.

You knew this one was coming... when do you feel like you're doing your worst job?
I suffer from the "can't say no" syndrome. It isn't that I feel like I have to say yes, it is that I really do want to say yes. I want to help a friend paint her kitchen. I want to refinish my sister's dresser. And I want to coach little league, etc. So as a result I sometimes take too much on. Then I get stressed and, unfortunately, I take it out on my kids by being short and grumpy with them.

What surprised you the most about motherhood?
I should probably go with the standard "I couldn't believe I could love someone so much" answer and while it is true, I think the biggest thing I got out of it was that I had a ton of flaws! Before being a mom I thought I was a pretty okay person. I was convinced I had it together. Then I had my first kid and I realized I had faults. I had a temper. I wasn't as good at multi-tasking as I thought. I was forgetful. I could go on and on. I guess I will blame it on the lack of sleep and hormones :) But it was a real eye opener for me that I had a lot to learn not just about being a mom, but about me as a person.

What is your go-to activity when a "mommy meltdown" is on its way?
I paint something. I love to paint because I can see instant results. It changes the look and feel of a room or object. Painting soothes me and, in the end, I have something to show for my "therapy session". I also love to garden. When painting is not an option, I weed my garden. It is the same kind of thing. I see instant results and have something beautiful to show for it.

What have your children taught you?
This one makes me cry. I could write a book on this. I look at my kids and I think they are more responsible than I am. They have more compassion that I do. They are forgiving, thoughtful, and honest. They know how to have fun! Sometimes as adults we need to be reminded to have fun. Not the "take a vacation" kind of fun but the spur of the moment dance party kind of fun. Kids are incredible. They understand more than we give them credit sometimes. Even the tiny ones. They will amaze you if you give them the chance.

What will you miss the most about these years with young children?
Seriously? I had to go get a roll of toilet paper for this one. This one makes me bawl! Like I said before, I want to hit pause. I have a child in each of my favorite stages right now. My 9 (almost 10) year old is such a good helper and is not to the "I'm too cool for school" age yet. My 7 year old has so much enthusiasm for life and everything is an adventure. My 4 year old is becoming so independent and such a little peace maker. And my baby is at my favorite age in the world - 18 months! Their chunky bodies running around, their first words and jibberish, their fascination with EVERYTHING, and all their energy. I love it all! I want to stay here forever. I will miss the innocence, the bugs in jars on my kitchen table, the holey jeans, the muddy footprints on my barely mopped floor, the sticky kisses, all the hugs around my legs.

You can follow Stacy and her family on her blog:


  1. Love your responses, Stacey! I see so many similarities with my own life. Thanks for being transparent.

    Summer K

  2. great interview...I loved the answer to..."What have your children taught you ?"

    pulled at my heart sttrings and soo sooooo true

  3. I loved your answers! Thanks for sharing! I wanted to cry too =) I still don't have any kids (I got married 6 months ago) but I would love to have many kids, like 6 or 7, as I love big families... I myself have two sisters, and they are the best! They are my confidents, like a journal full of secrets, and I would love to give my children the opportunity to have the same.

  4. I hope you're keeping a diary, Stacy, because you really should write a book. I love your answers, and your blog.

  5. Great interview Stacy! Thanks for sharing with us! And I agree, you should write a book:)

  6. I was just thinking yesterday about those unexpected teaching moments with my kids and how they wouldn't happen as often if I didnt stay home with them. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. awww that was so sweet and very honest. Thank you for sharing :)


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