We've been spoiled here in Cincinnati this summer with beautiful sunny 80 degree days for the past several weeks. Being outside everyday biking, hiking, roller skating, walking, golfing. You name -it has been a way of life...until today! It rained all day which on one hand I like because it kind of gives me 'permission' to stay inside and do chores that otherwise I would never get to; but on the other hand it reminded me that having a 2, 4 and 6 year old inside all day can be downright loud! There were numerous parades through the kitchen complete with cymbals (did I actually purchase those?!) and if that were not enough, I believe my kids voices have all grown in decibles over the past few months! It was definitely a fun day, the mess in the kithen of finger paints and baking remnants is proof of that, but I'll be honest I'll take a day outdoors over a day inside anyday! I'm going to go check the weather for tomorrow!
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